Who We Are
About Exact.Legal
An extensive network of legal experts
If you’re in need of legal counsel, you can use our free, streamlined system to connect with qualified attorneys in your area. Instantaneously following your case presentation, email alerts are sent to attorneys who live in the area and specialize in the area of law you have selected. Your case is examined and analyzed within 24 hours, and if a lawyer is interested in representing you, you’ll receive a detailed profile and bio of that person within that time frame as well.
Make Informed Decisions in a No-Pressure Setting

What We Do
Fighting for your rights
Essentially, litigation means taking a dispute to court. Both sides present their case before
This Law provides principles, conditions, order and procedures for entry into, exit from nationals
Commercial and contract law is relevant to the sale of goods and services, sale of property
Medical law is the body of laws concernt the rights and responsibilities of medical professionals
Choose The Best Care For Yourself
Our Testimonials
Don't take our word for it!

I received all the information I needed.
Quick response with names and contact information for appropriate lawyers.
Received a useful selection of local lawyers from which to choose.
All lawyers I contacted gave rapid responses.

Louis H. Sanders
CEO & Founder
I came to exact.legal by accident, just browsing the internet looking for a Lawyer that could/would help me. Thanks to the Good Lord an attorney responded and was willing to help me. I am so grateful.

Darren Lee
Father & Engineer
I had a pleasant experience with a lawyer. He was honest and looked over documents I provided for him. While the news he delivered was not what I wanted to hear, I felt that he was concerned with my needs. If I have the need for a lawyer in the future, I will most certainly use him.

Tony Gerard Tenbrink